Exploring the affordances of text and picture stories
Introducing Cognitive Psychology in Film Studies: Redefining Affordance
2021年暑期档10部电影分析–基于电影内容量化和受众分析的跨学科研究(An Analysis of 10 Films in Summer Film Market 2021——An Interdisciplinary Study Based on Film Content Quantification and Audience Analysis)
(Poster) “Frog, don’t do that!”: An exploration of the impact of media on comprehension and participation in narrative experiences
(Poster) The impact of media on coherence building
(Poster) Decoding Narrative Discourse: A Computational Exploration of Media Modality Effects
Review: Role of Goals in Narrative Experience
Review: Film in Memory
Review: Economic Inequality and Social Stability
Research Proposal: The Relationship Between Preference and Familiar-Novel Level
(Poster) Research Proposal: The Relationship Between Preference and Familiar-Novel Level
Original script: Normal Days
Adaptive script: The Hanging Stranger